In this BILA lunchtime lecture, Nik Yeo and Tamara Oppenheimer will discuss the Law of Privilege – developments relevant to in-house lawyers: one step forward, two steps back

In this BILA lunchtime lecture, Tom Ogden and David Turner, Will discuss the advent and expansion of BIM, where proprietary programs drive the design of the project, and Modular Construction, with whole-room components supplied ‘off the shelf’, what now does the professional building designer actually design? What does ‘design responsibility’ mean for the professional designer, the design & build contractor, and their insurers? A look at problems and issues that may arise in this brave new world of automated design and supply.

In this BILA Lecture, Jonathan Post will talk about the Regulatory Challenges of International Insurance Programs post-Brexit, discussing the nature of current market access and conduct challenges, how the UK might learn from Swiss insurers’ experiences of (re)insuring EEA exposures without Freedom of Services, and how a 19th century dissenting lower court judge might have shown us a way forward (creating new product opportunities to boot).
In this BILA Lecture, Peter Macdonald Eggers QC will discuss Testing the Boundaries of the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act
The presentation will consider the major issues which have arisen under the 1930 Act and still arise under the 2010 Act, in light of recent decisions, including Cultural Foundation v Beazley (2018).

In this BILA lecture, Philppa Hopkins QC and David Walsh of Essex Court Chambers will examine the recent Supreme Court decision in Navigators Insurance Company Limited & ors v Atlasnavios – Navegação LDA (The “B Atlantic”) [2018] UKSC 26
Philippa Hopkins QC and David Walsh of Essex Court Chambers will examine the recent Supreme Court decision in Navigators Insurance Company Limited & ors v Atlasnavios – Navegação LDA (The “B Atlantic”) [2018] UKSC 26, in which the Court held that war risks underwriters were not liable for the total loss of the “B Atlantic”, which had been confiscated by the Venezuelan authorities after cocaine was found attached to her hull. They will consider the Supreme Court’s treatment of the malicious act peril and the infringement of customs regulations exclusion, and they will reflect on the implications of the case for the market.

In this BILA Lecture, Alison Padfield QC will discuss Non-party costs orders against insurers/Senior Courts Act 1981, s 51(3)
In this lecture, Alison Padfield QC will explain and discuss non-party costs orders against insurers:
• The courts’ jurisdiction to make costs orders against non-parties under s 51(3) of the Senior Courts Act 1981
• Situations where liability or legal expenses insurers may be at risk of non-party costs
• The impact of policy limits
• Non-party costs and the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Acts 1930 and 2010
• The insurer’s conduct and the incurring of costs
• Recent case-law including Travelers v XYZ [2018] EWCA Civ 1099 (liability insurers) and Herridge v Parker & Allianz [2014] Lloyd’s Rep IR 177 (legal expenses insurers)
The combination of Brexit, high-profile corporate collapses, data breaches and State inference in elections and National Security may seem like a perfect storm waiting to happen. Join BILA on 2 July for a discussion of the legal and insurance issues involved.
The event will be divided into three panel sessions :
• Corporate failure
• Infrastructure failure
• Financial services failure
In this BILA lecture, David Lewis QC and Oliver Caplin will discuss the direct rights of action/anti-suit injunctions
Summary of the key aspects of the new legislation
● Structures available to UK issuers
● Initial practical experience of the new regime
● Some of the differences between UK and other regimes
● Market opportunities
Christopher Cardona (HFW London) and Geoffrey Conlin (HFW Paulo) will use their experience of Latin American jurisdictions to inform a discussion of global insurance programmes and the challenges they present.