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Topic Fraud: Lies, Damned Lies and Insurance Claims
Speakers James Davey

Date / time
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

In this BILA lunchtime lecture, James Davey will consider the reliability of statistics on insurance fraud, and the effect that this has on lawmakers and policymakers. By stating an overall number, ‘£1.3bn detected and a similar amount in undetected fraud’, the industry merges together a wide variety of different issues. Proper mitigation of insurance fraud requires a detailed understanding of the nature and causes of this complex issue.  Professor Davey will compare the insurance industry’s exposure to fraud by comparison to retail goods (shoplifting, employee fraud, and ‘passing off’ of counterfeit goods) to show that insurance is not an isolated example. 

Professor James Davey

James Davey is Professor of Insurance and Commercial Law at the University of Southampton. He has written extensively on insurance contract law and regulation. His work on insurance fraud was argued before the Supreme Court in Versloot and his recommendations on the use of behavioural science to combat insurance fraud were adopted by the Insurance Fraud Taskforce.


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