BILA was formed on 25 February 1964 as the UK Chapter of AIDA (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances – International Insurance Law Association), founded nearly four years earlier.
Insurance broker Gordon Shaw and CII academic Professor Hugh Cockerell, essentially BILA’s co-founders, recognised the value of a national insurance law association to engage members drawn from the widest spectrum of those with an interest in insurance law in both domestic and international debate, study and collaboration. BILA thereafter sent representatives, as it has ever since, to participate in the quadrennial AIDA World Congresses and more regular AIDA Presidential Council and Working Party meetings.
Over the years BILA members have served as President and Vice Presidents of AIDA World, held the offices of Secretary General and Treasurer, co-founded and chaired its regional grouping, AIDA Europe and chaired several of AIDA’s International Working Parties, with no fewer than five being awarded AIDA Medals for their contributions. BILA has for many years been the largest and most active AIDA Chapter in Europe and the second largest in the world.
From the outset BILA has welcomed distinguished members of the market, academia and the judiciary to serve as its most senior officers. Membership ran quickly into the hundreds and now stands at about 1000, including 72 corporate members and 132 individual members.
In July 1964, the first BILA Bulletin was published. The Bulletin then became the BILA Journal, which is now hosted electronically on the BILA website. The Journal contains a unique collection of expert articles on a wide range of insurance law issues.
Apart from its own extensive programme of lunchtime lectures and conferences, often staged in conjunction with other influential bodies, BILA has hosted an AIDA World Congress in 1982, an AIDA Europe Conference in 2012, as well as other AIDA Chapter members among others at its own events. BILA’s study groups and responses to consulting papers have continued to play an important role, not least in the establishment of the first ever Insurance Ombudsman and the reform of Insurance Contract Law.
In 1984 the BILA Committee approved the founding of the BILA Charitable Trust with the purpose to advance in any manner deemed to be charitable public knowledge and understanding of law and insurance including the study of law in its interrelation with insurance and the study of insurance in its interrelation with law. Since then, the BILA Trustees have been able to use dedicated Trust funds to promote and award the BILA Book prize, to provide study and research grants, and other support and sponsorship identified as appropriate means to serve the purposes of the Trust.
To encourage and develop the involvement of younger members of the Market and supporting professions and those in academia, also to collaborate with their international counterparts, in 2018 BILA helped to create the BILA Young Professionals (previously the BILA Under-35s) who continue to go from strength to strength.
When Covid struck, BILA was faced with challenges familiar to all those who had to operate within the constraints of the various restrictions and lockdowns that applied. BILA responded by moving some of its activities online, including the delivery of its lunchtime lectures. This was well received by BILA members and allowed attendees from all over the world to attend. BILA therefore now offers a mix of virtual lectures and face-to-face events in the London Market including, most recently, a Memorial Lecture in the Old Library, Lloyd’s of London to mark the passing and lifelong contribution made to insurance law, BILA and to the BILA Charitable Trust by Professor Malcolm Clarke.

If any Member requires a hard copy of the document they should apply by e-mail to the Secretariat at office@bila.org.uk.