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The BILA Journal (“Journal”) is the official journal of the Association. The Journal was first launched in 1964 and has been published regularly since then. BILA members can enjoy access to the full Archive of past Journals.

The Journal contains articles and book reviews on various areas of insurance law from a variety of contributors, whether working in private practice, academia or the insurance industry. The Journal is published on a rolling basis online so that articles are added once they have been accepted and edited.

If you would like to contribute to the Journal please contact the editor, Dr Miriam Goldby, at or deputy editor, Dr Franziska Arnold-Dwyer at

The Journal is edited using a style guide which may be referred to by contributors. You can download the Editorial Style Guide and an Article Template below:

Editorial Guidelines

Article Template

The Journal editor and deputy editor are pleased to bring to the attention of BILA members the “Report on the Establishment of an EEA Insurer in another Member State”.

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