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Regulation - Challenges Ahead
19/04/2013 / 1:00 pm

Speaker: Sean McGovern, Lloyds

Employers' Liability Trigger Litigation
15/03/2013 / 1:00 pm

Speaker: Professor Philip Rawlings

Reservation of Rights
15/02/2013 / 1:00 pm

Speaker: John Lockey QC

The Insurance Summit 2013
12/02/2013 / 8:45 am

Insurance and Government: Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
Join a unique mix of insurers, policymakers and regulators from across Europe for a debate on the future of insurance

MacGillivray Centenary
18/01/2013 / 1:00 pm

Speakers: John Birds and Ben Lynch

Insurance Contract
07/12/2012 / 1:00 pm

Speaker: Robert Purves

Insurance Mediation after the Financial Crisis: The European Commission's proposals for revising the Insurance Mediation Directive
16/11/2012 / 1:00 pm

The Insurance Mediation Directive (Directive 2002/92) is a Single Market Directive, part of the Financial Services Action Plan, with objectives of facilitating the single market and providing consumer protection. It is relevant to reinsurance and wholesale insurance brokers as well as to those which operate in retail markets.

The Wording of Meaning and the Meaning of Wordings
19/10/2012 / 2:00 pm

The Annual General Meeting will follow on at the end of the Lunchtime Lecture at approximately 2pm. The AGM is open to BILA Members only

19/10/2012 / 1:00 pm
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