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Topic The subscription Insurance Market: Leaders And Followers

Date / time
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Virtual Webinar

The London subscription insurance market is characterised by the participation of a number of separate underwriters in a single risk. Those underwriters either take a greater or lesser role in the placing of the risk, the investigation of losses and the management of claims. There are Leading Underwriters and Following Underwriters.

The regulation of the role of each underwriter and perhaps the relationship between the

underwriters themselves can be set out in the contract itself or in market agreements (such as the General Underwriters Agreement). The distinct position occupied by the underwriters can have a significant impact on the fair presentation of the risk to the underwriters, the conclusion and amendment of insurance contracts, and the settlement of claims. Peter’s talk will seek to explore the legal issues arising from the particular roles of the Leaders and Followers in the London insurance market.

Peter MacDonald Eggers KC is a barrister at 7 King’s Bench Walk, London specialising in all aspects of commercial law, especially insurance and reinsurance. Peter acts as an arbitrator and has been a Deputy Judge of the High Court since 2017. Peter has appeared in leading insurance/reinsurance cases. Peter teaches at UCL and is a contributing editor of Chitty on Contracts, co-author of Good Faith and Insurance Contracts and Carver on Charterparties, and the author of Deceit: The Lie of the Law and The Vitiation of Contractual Consent. Peter is a member of the BILA Committee and is the Immediate Past Chair of BILA.


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