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Winner Of The 2020 BILA Book Prize

Winner of the 2020 BILA Book Prize

Following the British Insurance Law Association’s AGM held virtually on 22 October 2020, Alison Green, Chair of the BILA Charitable Trust, announced the award of the 2020 BILA Book Prize…

BIM & Modular Construction – A Brave New World For Design Responsibility

BIM & Modular Construction – a brave new world for design responsibility

Tom has experience of acting in matters involving material non-disclosure, inducement, incorporation of terms, waiver and notification under the terms of a professional indemnity policy. He acts for both Claimants…

29th October 2018 – Automated vehicles – the 2018 Act and beyond

The talk will introduce the new insurance provisions of the Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 and discuss areas of uncertainty. It will then look briefly beyond the Act to consider other areas that need reform.

Friday 21st September 2018 – Testing the Boundaries of the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act

The presentation will consider the major issues which have arisen under the 1930 Act and still arise under the 2010 Act, in light of recent decisions, including Cultural Foundation v Beazley (2018).

Friday 20th July 2018 – No limits? Non-party costs orders against insurers

In this lecture, Alison Padfield QC will explain and discuss non-party costs orders against insurers.

Tuesday 24th July 2018 – War Risks Cover – The Drugs Don’t Work

War Risks Cover – The Drugs Don’t Work

Tuesday 24th July 2018 – 13:00 – 14:00

In this BILA lecture, Philppa Hopkins QC and David Walsh of Essex Court Chambers will examine the recent Supreme Court decision in Navigators Insurance Company Limited & ors v Atlasnavios – Navegação LDA (The “B Atlantic”) [2018] UKSC 26

Philippa Hopkins QC and David Walsh of Essex Court Chambers will examine the recent Supreme Court decision in Navigators Insurance Company Limited & ors v Atlasnavios – Navegação LDA (The “B Atlantic”) [2018] UKSC 26, in which the Court held that war risks underwriters were not liable for the total loss of the “B Atlantic”, which had been confiscated by the Venezuelan authorities after cocaine was found attached to her hull. They will consider the Supreme Court’s treatment of the malicious act peril and the infringement of customs regulations exclusion, and they will reflect on the implications of the case for the market.

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