BILA Young Professionals
BILA Young Professionals is a sub-group of the British Insurance Law Association. We consist of and appeal to young professionals who are working in the insurance industry (in any capacity) and have a connection or interest in insurance law. Our aims are twofold: –
- To provide a forum for junior lawyers and market practitioners specialising in insurance to meet and develop closer ties with their peers; and
- To deepen their understanding of current and future legal issues affecting the London Insurance Market.
The BILA Young Professionals Committee meet on a monthly basis and arrange regular educational and social events to further our aims. We also have strong connections with AIDA, and encourage relationship-building with other like-minded junior insurance committees around the world.
Our inaugural event was a presentation delivered by Inga Beale, the first female CEO of Lloyd’s of London, on 20 April 2016 followed by drinks. Subsequent events have included a mixture of social e.g. (gin-tasting networking events) and educational activities (e.g., a mock trial and speed mentoring) held in London, also in Bristol.
Our recent events include the following: –
On 29 April 2021, we hosted a virtual ‘speed-networking’ event – our first foray into the world of online networking.
- On 29 September 2021, we hosted our Summer Social Networking Event, kindly sponsored by Simmons & Simmons LLP.
- On 3 February 2022, we invited Nathalie Koh of Fountain Court Chambers to deliver a Webinar on the ever-topical subject of Aggregation.
- On 16 June 2022, we hosted a speed networking and summer social event.
- On 17 November 2022, we had a great time at our Winter Social Quiz, kindly sponsored by CMS.
- on 26 April 2023, we hosted a Panel Discussion, Inclusion in insurance: the power of authenticity.
- On 25 April 2024, we had a great time networking at our wine tasting event.
- On 18 June 2024, Zoe Burge gave a virtual seminar on Dishonesty and aggregation after Discovery Land v AXIS.
- On 3 July 2024, we jointly hosted an event with Young AIDA France for a virtual discussion on ESG Regulatory Outlook for General Insurers.
- On 7 August 2024, we hosted a Cyber Seminar – once more unto the breach with drinks and networking from S-RM’s rooftop terrace.
- On 17 September, we jointly hosted a Mock Arbitration event with Essex Court Chambers at Lloyd’s Old Library debating catastrophe cover in the post-pandemic era.
To stay updated about our upcoming events, please subscribe to our LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/28976588
We have grown considerably in the last year and are on the lookout for new members to join us. If you are interested in joining the Committee, or would like to be added to our mailing list, please email office@bila.org.uk
The Committee

Matthew Hunter | Chair
Matthew is a Senior Associate in the Insurance & Reinsurance team at DLA Piper.
He has a broad insurance practice, advising on a range of regulatory insurance matters, the insurance aspects of commercial transactions, policy coverage and wordings, as well as acting for insurers on broader strategic issues and commercial disputes.
Matthew has spent time in the market on secondment to Nexus Underwriting and QBE.

Arpen Pansari | Honorary Treasurer
Arpen is an in-house counsel at Convex Insurance. He advises the business on a broad range of contentious matters, handling both strategic issues and day-to-day management. Previously, Arpen was a Senior Associate in the Insurance and Reinsurance Disputes team at Herbert Smith Freehills where he specialised in coverage disputes and broker PI.
When he is not managing the Young Professional’s accounts, he is assisting the Committee in planning successful workshops, talks and socials for the Young Professional’s membership.
Arpen is keen on the outdoors. For his sins, he ‘enjoys’ long distance running, having raced in two 100km events. He won’t be doing a third any time soon though!

Kristyna Muhlfeitova | Honorary Secretary
Kristyna is an Associate in the Insurance & Reinsurance Group at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang. Kristyna has experience in advising (re)insurers as well as insureds on coverage matters and disputes across a wide range of sectors with a particular focus on cyber, healthcare, reinsurance and multi-jurisdictional D&O matters.
Prior to joining CMS, Kristyna read Law at the London School of Economics.
Kristyna joined the BILA YP committee in October 2021.

Jade Cripps | Committee Member
Jade Cripps is a Solicitor at BLM. She qualified in the London Office in 2016 and works within the Occupational Disease Team. She works for a variety of insurers and insured clients, and she advises on a whole variety of short tail disease claims, such as Bullying, Harassment and Occupational Stress claims, RSI claims and Cumulative back injury claims. She also advises on Discrimination claims.

Vanessa Hollaway | Committee Member
Vanessa is a senior claims adjuster at Liberty Specialty Markets, working in the professional indemnity claims team. Vanessa has spent her professional career working in insurance claims, with a strong emphasis on the London Market.

Anthony McGeough | Committee Member
Anthony is a Senior Associate Solicitor specialising in a wide range of insurance policy coverage disputes.

Joshua Shepherd | Committee Member
Josh is an Associate in Kennedys’ Financial and Political Risks team. He is a qualified solicitor, with private practice and in-house insurance knowledge. Josh has experience in a range of cross-border FI PI, D&O, Crime, and multinational claims.
He has previously worked in both a claims and wordings capacity for a major international insurer, specialising in financial lines.

Helen Morton | Committee Member
Helen is a Junior Barrister at Essex Court Chambers and was called in 2012. She specialises in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Commercial Dispute Resolution, Shipping and Arbitration. Helen has experience across a variety of insurance and reinsurance disputes for both insurers and insureds, including marine and Bermuda Form insurance.
Upcoming event(s)
We will be posting details of our future events shortly.
In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone for joining us at our recent mock arbitration with members of Essex Court Chambers concerning whether excess of loss insurance which covers “any one catastrophe” would apply to claims resulting from a global pandemic. We hope you enjoyed this event.