BILA was established in 1964 to promote interest in, and understanding of, the law relating to insurance, both nationally and internationally, and to encourage the exchange of information and ideas concerning insurance law and practice.
A not-for-profit association, BILA encourages membership among, and collaboration between, all those with an interest in how the law and market practice may best evolve: from those working in every capacity within or for the insurance industry or in the study, regulation, operation or development of insurance and the informed resolution of any disputes or difficulties as may arise.
BILA welcomes members and regularly hosts speakers and contributors from outside the UK across the world, sometimes in co-hosted events held in the UK or by way of representation in overseas activities or events.
BILA is not just a domestic organisation, but also a highly active British Chapter of AIDA (the Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances – the International Insurance Law Association) and its European regional grouping, AIDA Europe.
BILA’s primary function is to deliver a programme of educational and networking opportunities by way of online and in-person lectures, seminars and conferences upon topics of interest to our members. Also, to contribute by way of events and/or technical papers or written submissions domestically to bodies such as the Government and Law Reform commissions and internationally by way of comparative contributions in international discussions or studies. The development and encouragement of the BILA Young Professionals grouping has further enhanced these efforts.
BILA’s Charitable Trust was created to encourage and support those engaged in studying or researching the interrelationship between insurance and the law by way of an annual book prize and offering prizes or other forms of support to students or academics in the field.
BILA further publishes online a Journal of particular benefit to members and researchers on topics of interest to academics and practitioners alike.

BILA does not give advice to the general public, nor does it make recommendations and/or endorse law firms and other professionals who may be members of BILA.