Editorial—–D.G Cole—–1 September 1986
Review of Personal Injuries Litigation—–Roger Doulton—–1 September 1986
Inheritance Tax: Lifetime Gifts and the New Taper Provisions—–Mark L.Dawbarn—–1 September 1986
Update on Reinsurance Law—–Gordon Cornish—–1 September 1986
Update on Maritime Law—–John M.Maskell—–1 September 1986
Update on Insurance and Liability—–Derrick Owles—–1 September 1986
Update on Property Insurance Law—–Andrew Longmore—–1 September 1986
The Professional Indemnity Insurance Market—–Martin G.Roffey—–1 September 1986
World Insurance 1986, Financial Times International Year Book—–Reported by M.A.C—–1 September 1986
Reinsurance Law by John Butler and Robert Merkin—–Reported by Gordon Cornish—–1 September 1986
Reader’s Letter (from E.J.D. Peverett) & Our Reviewer Replies—–E.J.D Peverett—–1 September 1986
Directors & Officers Liability Following the Insolvency Act—–N.H Stanbury—–1 September 1986
Update on Regulation Including Financial Services—–R.J Hebblethwaite—–1 September 1986
Integration of Accident and Liability Insurance—–Harold Caplan—–1 September 1986