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Issue Number: 133
Publication date: 30/11/-0001

Dear BILA Members,

Welcome to Issue #133 of the BILA Journal. All five contributions to this issue are now online and we trust you will enjoy reading them. In his prize-winning article, Felix Boon comments on the Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 highlighting the merits and shortcomings of this piece of legislation – a fascinating critique that flags up the importance of drafting laws with an eye to the wider legal context. Following his engaging contribution to last year’s issue, Antonis Vakondios returns with a discussion and a critique of the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in The Renos which was delivered by Sumption JSC on 12 June 2019. Jonathan Hopkins examines the relatively new cause of action afforded to policyholders under s.13A of the Insurance Act 2015 (‘IA 2015’) – a claim for ‘Late Payment’ against the backdrop of business interruption claims in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak. Former journal editor Jonathan Goodliffe identifies some of the ways in which the harmful use of alcohol causes problems for insurance firms, their customers and third-party claimants and discusses Ways in which the industry seeks to reduce these problems and issues into which further research is required. Finally, Franziska Arnold Dwyer reviews Celso de Azevedo’s recent book Cyber Risks Insurance: Law and Practice.  Happy reading!

BILA Journal Editor, Dr Miriam Goldby

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